Peru 秘鲁🇵🇪
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什么是印加果? What is Sacha Inchi?
印加果被称为‘长在地上的Omega 3’,因其含有丰富的营养,被列为2017年的超级食物
Sacha Inchi is a plant seed originally grown in the rainforest highlands of Peru in South America. Because the fruit looks like a star, it is also called ‘star fruit’. It has been eaten by local indigenous people in the Inca region of South America for thousands of years.
Sacha Inchi is called as the ‘Omega 3 that grows on the ground’. Because of its rich nutrients, it was listed as a super food in 2017.
Sacha Inchi oil

印加果在还没成熟时表面光滑,绿色。成熟时是茶色。印加果油是由印加果种子经冷压初榨提取的天然植物油,丰富营养成分更易为人体消化吸收。它没有经过任何化学處理,没有添加任何合成防腐剂, 不含任何毒素和健康有害的物质, 而且无过敏原, 被认为是世界上最好的植物油。
印加果油富含“多元不饱和脂肪酸(unsaturated fatty acid)”,“维他命E“组成。尤其是 omega 3 脂肪酸含量高达 48%,具保护心脑血管、降三高等功效,也可以作为天然抗氧化剂。
Sacha inchi oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acid and vitamin E. In particular, the content of omega 3 fatty acids is as high as 48%, which has the effects of protecting the heart and brain blood vessels, lowering cholesterol, blood glucose and blood pressure. It is also a natural antioxidant.
"我们经常听到的 Omega 油其实就是不饱和脂肪酸!
The Omega oils we often hear are actually unsaturated fatty acids!”
What is Unsaturated Fatty Acid and Saturated Fatty Acid?
Unsaturated Fatty Acid
Unsaturated fatty acids are known as “healthy fats”. The main sources of unsaturated fatty acids are plants, included olive oil, sunflower oil, and rapeseed oil. The fats in avocados, almonds, walnuts and fish are also unsaturated fatty acids. There are two types of unsaturated fatty acids – monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.
The chemical structure of monounsaturated fatty acids has one double carbon bond, whereas polyunsaturated fatty acids have more than one double bond. The double bonds of unsaturated fatty acids make it difficult for fat molecules to adhere to each other, thus, both mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids are in liquid state at room temperature.
Unsaturated fatty acids help maintain healthy cholesterol levels, increase the amount of “good” cholesterol HDL, and help the body to absorb vitamin E. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that help to protect your body from free radicals.

Saturated Fatty Acid
Saturated fatty acids do not have any double carbon bonds in their chemical structure. They are usually derived from animals and are solid at room temperature. The example of saturated fatty acids are red meat such as pork and beef, butter, milk, dairy products, cakes, ice cream, etc., while coconut oil and palm oil also contain high amount of saturated fat.
Saturated fatty acids is not a bad oil, because our body needs it for some functions, such as providing energy and assisting the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Saturated fatty acid is suitable for high-temperature cooking because it is more stable, resistant to heat, and is not easy to generate free radicals. However, excessive intake will cause obesity. The excessive fat will accumulate in the internal organs such as liver, which will lead to fatty liver and other health problems. If the fat accumulates in blood vessels and forms platelets, the risk of cardiovascular disease will be increased.
In addition, excessive saturated fatty acids can also interfere with insulin function and cause high blood sugar.
世界 @ 超级食物
Why Choose Us

The World Superfood – Sacha Inchi Oil
鲑鱼 x 12 倍

Salmon x 12 times
核桃 x 5 倍

Walnut x 5 times
橄榄油 x 30 倍

Olive oil x 30 times
曾被列入2017年的超级食物,印加果含Omega 3,6,9 三种不饱和脂肪酸的纯天然植物,尤其Omega-3 含量极为丰富,适合天天食用,取代动物性鱼油!
It is listed as a super food in 2017. Sacha Inchi is a natural plant that contains Omega 3, 6, and 9 unsaturated fatty acids. The Omega-3 content is extremely rich and suitable for daily consumption, instead of animal fish oil!

What a Nutritionist say
Ng chia sin
HRDF TTT Certified Trainer (Nutritionist, UKM)
油脂是人体营养素之一,吃对油对健康有很大的帮助。Omega 3是身体无法制造的好油,适量摄取可促进脑补发育,抗发炎,改善心血管功能
Oil is one of the nutrients of the human body. Eating oil is very helpful to health. Omega 3 is a good oil that the body can’t make. A proper intake can promote brain development, anti-inflammatory, and improve cardiovascular function.
为什么要喝印加果油? Why we need to consume Sacha Inchi Oil?

Drink good oil, remove bad oil!
- 给身体健康的细胞 Healthy cell production
- 增加身体对维生素A,D,E,K的吸收Enhance absorption of vitamin A, D, E, K
- 保护身体内大大小小的血管Protect various blood vessel
- 以好油来代谢坏油Metabolise bad oil
- 富含多元不饱和脂肪酸 Contain poly-unsaturated fatty acid
important things you should know
Questions And Answers
Omega 3 被视为一种健康的脂肪,对于我们的大脑和心脏功能以及全是健康都非常重要。
我们的身体无法自行制造Omega 3, 因此我们必须在每日饮食中摄取。
Omega 6脂肪酸也是必需脂肪酸,必须从食物中摄取,身体无法自行制造。种子、坚果、月见草油,玉蜀黍油、红花油等都是omega 6脂肪酸的来源。Omega 6脂肪酸有助于维持心脏健康、改善风湿关节炎等。
人体可自行制造Omega 9脂肪酸,所以它不是必需脂肪酸。橄榄油、鳄梨、花生油都含
有Omega 9脂肪酸。Omega 9脂肪酸有助于增加好的胆固醇HDL。
It is an essential element of the human body!
Omega 3 is known as a healthy fat, which is very important for our brain and heart function and also overall health.
Our body cannot produce Omega 3 on its own, so we must consume it from our daily diet.
Omega 6 fatty acids are also essential fatty acids, which must be ingested from food and cannot be produced by the body. Seeds, nuts, evening primrose oil, maize oil, safflower oil, etc. are good sources of omega 6 fatty acids. Omega 6 fatty acids help maintain heart health and improve rheumatoid arthritis.
Our body can produce Omega 9 fatty acids on its own, so it is not an essential fatty acid. Olive oil, avocado, peanut oil contain Omega 9 fatty acids. Omega 9 fatty acids help increase good cholesterol HDL. -17
6 大好处

- 帮助大脑发育 Help in brain development
- 提神健脑增强注意力和记忆力 Refreshing, improve concentration and memory
- 预防痴呆症 Prevention of dementia

- 降低胆固醇 Lower cholesterol
- 预防心血管疾病 Prevent cardiovascular disease
- 平衡血糖水平,抗发炎 Balance blood sugar level, anti-inflammation

- 保护视力 Protect vision
- 延缓视力退化 Delay eye aging
- 维护眼睛健康 Maintain eye health

- 促进新陈代谢,燃烧脂肪 Enhance metabolism, burn fat
- 增强免疫力 Enhance immunity
- 预防便秘和缓解消化道发炎 Prevent constipation and relieve gastrointestinal inflammation

- 协助缓解关节炎,关节肿胀 Help to relieve arthritis, joint swollen
- 预防骨骼疏松症 Prevent osteoporosis

- 促进皮肤和毛发的健康 Promote skin and hair health
- 减少细纹,皱纹 Reduce fine line, wrinkle
- 预防紫外线伤害 Prevent harmful from UV light
we are good at what we do
适合人群 Suitable for

Consumption method
Every morning drink sacha inchi oil
Add in juice/ coffee/ milk, etc.
Mix with green vegetables, salad, pasta or rice
Sweet honey sauce
(Sacha inchi oil + honey)
Sandwich (egg + mayonnaise + Sacha inchi oil)
Can be applied directly or mixed with skin care products (Add a few drops of sacha inchi oil in shampoo or body lotion evenly)
Sacha Inchi Oil
- 100%有机印加果特级冷压初榨,保留全部营养
- 100% 纯度
- 非基因改造
- 不含麩质
- 不含敏感原
- 100% organic cold pressed sacha inchi oil, retain all nutrients
- 100% pure
- Non-GMO
- Gluten-Free
- Allergen free